Inspiration: On a trip to Houston to visit my parents Oct 2007, I noticed a pattern for a Christmas Nativity Wall quilt that I thought was absolutely beautiful. I tend to craft a lot with my mom, so we each decided to make one of these quilts. I had a great time sewing it and finished it with just a few days before Christmas that year. The next Christmas (2008) I actually got to enjoy it the entire season. We were living in a duplex at the time with a wall above my kitchen sink instead of a window. I hung the quilt there and it really brightened my days to be able to look at something so pretty instead of a blank wall while doing dishes. When January rolled around I was so sad to take down the quilt and be faced with a boring wall again. Wouldn't it be nice if I had something to hang all the time? Or even something seasonal for every month? And thus the monthly wall quilt was born. I created a quilt for almost every month, with only the months May and June sharing a quilt. My plan was to create each month's quilt during 2009 for that month. I almost made it. I had all quilts finished by the end of 2009 except for the May quilt. I just finished the May quilt today!
How-to: 1. I took wooden tole painting patterns, clip art pics, original drawings, etc. and modified them in size and complexity to make them suitable for fabric appliques. On paper, I created the designs and quilt blocks to portray the various months.
2. I then took the drawings and traced the mirrow image pieces onto fusible web. Then, I ironed the pics onto the various fabrics and cut them out. Then, peel the paper off and iron the applique onto the background fabric.
3. Use embroidery floss and blanket stitch around each applique to finish.
4. Then, sew the blocks and strips together to form the top of the quilt.
5. Make tabs and sew on. Then sew on back and batting like a pillowcase. Turn rightside out, press and hand sew the hole closed.
6. Quilt the top.
7. Hang and enjoy.
Finished Product:
Or June and August
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