
Saturday, March 19, 2011


I made this for my mom for an early Mother's Day present.  I was just too excited about it to wait and mail it to her in May.  So, it should arrive on her doorstep today.  I can't wait to hear her reaction!  My parents are decorating their house in a rustic urban style in Texas, so I thought these letters would be perfect.  The tallest letters are just under 9in tall so they should fit perfectly on the plate rack on top of the kitchen cabinets in my mom's house.
I thought it would be cute to have the L be in the shape of a boot.  I decoupaged textured basketball scrapbook paper for the leather of the boot.   I cut the spur out of thinner wood and spray painted it with some leftover metallic paint from a different project. 
 I used really muted, neutral colors for the letters.  The O is a sage, the N is a grayish blue.
 The E is a muted mustard color with embossed flowers.  The S is a rusty red.  The T is another grayish color.
 I love the star!  For the A, I wanted to make a Texas Star.  My mom has tried to put them up on her plate rack but with the shape, they keep falling down.  So, I knew I couldn't just buy a star to use as the A.  I cut out a star shape from 1x6 pine wood, just like every other letter.  Then, to achieve the look of the 3D shape for this 2D Texas star, I decoupaged foil pieces onto silver paper.  The R is a brown stripe.  I think these colors should flow seamlessly into my mom's house.
I can't wait to get her reaction to her early Mother's Day gift. 


  1. You should seriously sell this stuff. I love it!

  2. They arrived in the mail! Seriously, SO CUTE. All colors perfect. Thank you so much. I'm glad I didn't have to wait another two months. You have contributed the first dec to the new kitchen. I love it. Thanks bunches!!!

  3. The women at my girls night yesterday loved LoneStar. Thought you were amazing and wondered how you got the idea. Of course I bragged on you.
