
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday Fashions #9, Swirly Scarf

I saw a tutorial for this scarf made over at Iron Violet Designs that I thought looked fun, fast and easy.  So, I decided to whip one up for this week.  Its great for Spring since its more for looks than for warmth.
I dug into a bag that I've been meaning to donate to Goodwill and pulled out this tshirt.
It was perfect.  Too worn and small to wear anymore.  I cut it into salad plate sized circles. I got about 12. 

Then I cut each circle into a spiral. Divide into 2 piles. 

Sew the ends together. 

Overlay the piles so that the half the streamers lay to the left and the other half lay to the right.  Then, sew them together. 

Next I cut out a small rectangle from the scraps of fabric. 
 Fold it around the seams and hand sew to hide them. 

Add a fabric brooch and enjoy!

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