
Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Fashions #6, Purple Yo-yo Tee

This is my fashion statement for this week. 

So this is my shirt before I embellished!  I loved this tee.  In fact, I loved it so much there is a nice grease stain right in the middle.   
So, I really haven't been able to wear it for a while.  Well, a while back, I saw this post done by Ashley at Make It and Love It.  I fell in love with her idea. And realized I could use it to my advantage with this shirt.  Most of the embellished tees I see around make the embellishments out of a second tee in the same color.  Since this was an old shirt, I obviously didn't have an extra tee to cut up.  What Ashley did was take fun silky and sheer fabrics in similar colors and make ruffles.  Knits don't really ravel, so all you have to do is cut the pieces and then sew them on.  But shears and silky fabrics will, so there is a little more work involved in finishing the edges.  But I knew this was a perfect solution for my shirt.  I bought the materials that I like at my local fabric store in the formalwear fabric section.  About 1/4 yard each.  There is a glittery chiffon, a crepe and the dark purple is actually lining fabric. It was on sale 50% off, so I only spent about $4 in fabric.

And I was all set to cut strips to make into ruffles, when, I changed my mind.  I have been intrigued with the idea of making something with fabric yo-yos for a while.  Don't know what yo-yos are?  Heather Bailey has a great tutorial.   I had never made any before, and they looked so fun! So, why not sew yo-yos onto my shirt?  I went for it.  First I spent I while with paper circles planning various layouts for my shirt.

After I had a fair idea of the layout I wanted and the size of the yo-yos I wanted to end up with,  I cut out cardboard circles for my patterns.
Traced them on my fabric.
I ended up with 18 circles in 3 different fabrics and sizes that I then sewed into my yo-yos.  
After they were sewn, I played with the layout on my shirt a little more.  
When I thought I had it completed to perfecting, I pinned the yo-yos in place.  Luckily at this point I decided to slip on my shirt before I sewed it, just to double check the placement of my yo-yos.  While this might look cute lying flat on the table, it looked awful on my body. 

This time, I pinned the yo-yos while I was wearing the shirt, thus ensuring a flattering embellishment placement.  Then, I hand-stitched the yo-yos in place. 
I couldn't be happier with this sassy embellished shirt. 
I layered the circle yo-yos and sewed a button into the middle of each.  I love the fabric for the small yo-yos with the glittery beads.   It adds such a fun, flirty little detail.
I am happy to add this shirt to my gradually growing cuter wardrobe!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday Fashions #5, Swirly Skirt

So, really just haven't been in the mood to blog this week.  I've actually had the skirt done since Monday night, but I just didn't feel like posting it.  Lame, I know. . .
But I am truly excited to wear this skirt.  It looks much better in person. Its a fun, full a-line. There is a front panel, 2 back panels with an invisible zipper down the back.  The skirt reaches the bottom of my knees.  I bought the fabric a long time ago, so I don't remember what the mix is, but its really soft and floaty.  Drapes beautifully.  Now, I just need to find a pink cardigan in the right shade...

I put an invisible zipper in the back.  I love invisible zippers.  Two seams and the zipper is in.  So fast and so easy!  

If you've never tried an invisible zipper, I highly recommend it for your next project.  If you don't know how, just do a google search for an invisible zipper tutorial.  There are many that are fabulous.  Also, the zipper will have a little sheet with instructions on it.  They are straight forward and easy to follow. Just jump right in.  You have to have an invisible zipper foot.  You should be able to find them at your local fabric store in the zipper section.  Last time I was at my Joann's, they didn't have any, but my Walmart was carrying them for only about $2.  

Singer Invisible Zipper Foot - Use with CC Art F84

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sock Monkeys

Sock Monkey Classic Toy

Remember the old sock monkeys?

 My husband had one that he loved when he was just a toddler.   A year ago, Mr. Right's aunt was making sock monkeys only with a twist. She was making them with colorful knee-high socks.  Well, I jumped right on that bandwagon.  I purchased enough socks to make 6 monkeys, one for each of the boys, my 2 sisters and myself. Well, 6 months later, I finished the 2 for my sisters and gave them away without taking a picture first.  Its now a year after I first started, and I just finished them.  The bodies have been sewn since last February. But, they have been sans eyes, hats, buttons and mouths since then. I finally decided that enough was enough.  I was going to finish sewing my monkeys.  I gave them to the boys for their Valentine's Day gift from us.  They loved them!

Would you like to make one too? Here is an awesome tutorial.  Super easy and fun project.  Just take the time to finish them! 

Friday Fashions #5-Keep Waiting!

 I am in the middle of sewing a beautiful, swishy, feminine, a-line skirt.  I need to add the invisible zipper and finish the hem.  But, I've had a super busy week and today, I am nowhere near my sewing machine.  So, the skirt will have to wait till Monday.   I promise I will post it then!  
But today, I did buy something for myself!  I love the DownEast Company's Wonder tee.  It covers what I need covered for modesty, but is tight enough that it is perfect for layering.  I've needed a new white and black shirt.  We happen to be in an area with a store this weekend, so I ran in quickly to purchase the needed tees. Well, there happened to be a 50% off all clearance items sale today.  Well, I couldn't resist a few snags.  I ended up with charcoal, blue and sage wonder tees as well as a blue, gray and purple shirts.  Shopping really can be fun!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Brie and Pesto Fondue

Once a month, I attend Recipe Club.  Its a group of women from Relief Society, the women's organization of my church, and we get together the second Tuesday of every month to eat, swap recipes and socialize.   We pick a theme for the month, and everyone brings something that fits the theme.  We then gorge on wonderful savory and sweet dishes while we sit around and chat for hours.  Its delightful!  We email the recipes to our host, and she then sends out mass emails to everyone with all of the recipes.  Sometimes we bring tried and true recipes we want to share, and other times we experiment and try something new and exciting. Sometimes the experiments are wonderful and sometimes they are less than delightful.
I experimented this month.  Our theme for February was "Dip It."  I thought this would be a perfect time to try a new fondue.   I was right.  I made this yummy Brie and pesto fondue that was melt in your mouth good!  So good that decided that I needed to share this recipe to more than just my friends in recipe club.

Brie and Pesto Fondue
¾ lb (3 cups) Brie cheese, softened (can substitute Camembert or Explorateur cheese)
1 ½ c ginger ale (original recipe calls for white wine, but we don't drink!)
1/3 c pesto sauce
½ lb mozzarella cheese, diced into ¼ inch cubes
1 TB corn starch
1TB water
Salt and Pepper to taste
1.   Scrape the top rind off Brie, scoop out interior cheese. Discard bottom and side rinds, set aside.
2.   Combine ginger ale and pesto sauce in a heavy 2qt saucepan and whisk well. Bring to a simmer over low heat.
3.   Add Brie and mozzarella by ½ c measures, stirring constantly with a whisk in a figure-eight pattern. Add additional cheese after the previous addition is melted.
4.   Combine water and corn starch in small bowl. Add to fondue to bring to a simmer, stirring constantly.  Cook over low heat for 1-2 minutes, until fondue has thickened.
5.   Transfer to fondue pot and serve with crusty bread, broccoli, cauliflower, gnocchi, cooked tortellini, or bite sized pieces of cooked chicken. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Fashions #4, Embellished Blue Tee

This week, I wanted to try an embellished tee like so many of the tees that I have seen around. Here are a couple tutorials from blogs that I love that are my inspiration for today, and  Both of these ladies take 2 purchased tees to create their shirts.  One shirt they cut up for fabric to make the ruffled embellishments that they sew onto the remaining tee.  They are darling.  But, I had one problem.  I didn't have 2 plain matching tees and I didn't feel like dragging 3 little boys clothes shopping with me either.  However, I did have tons of this blue knit in my fabric stash.  I think this might have been in a bunch of fabric my mom gave to me, but I really can't remember.  I did have tons of it though and no immediate plans to sew anything else out of it.  So, I grabbed a tshirt pattern and started cutting.  Since I would be sewing my shirt from scratch, I cut out the pieces, and then cut out a bunch of 1.5 in fabric strips.  I made my ruffles out of the strips and then sewed them onto the front shirt piece before I sewed the shirt together.  That way, my fabric was flat and I didn't have to worry about all of the extra fabric getting in the way.
 I made a few swirls at the top left. 

And a few on the bottom right. 
 And one swirl on the bottom of each sleeve. 
 Time to go get ready for my date with Mr. Right!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Be Mine Banner

 I saw the most fantastic banner over at Crap I've Made a couple weeks ago that is the inspiration for my banner.    Char has a great tutorial!  I've made mine a little different, mostly cause I'm lazy (also cause I love burlap and wanted to use it!).   Here are my lazy, copycat instructions.
Supplies needed: Freezer paper, Tulip Fabric Paint, ribbon, natural and red burlap, cotton fabrics about 1/4yd each.
First, I made a heart template.
 Then I cut out 6 hearts in the natural burlap.  I cut mine on the bias, because I like the idea of the burlap fraying a bit over time.

Next I made stencils for the letters. Using my hearts as a size guide, I drew my letters onto Freezer paper.  After that, I had to cut out each letter. This step was by far the most time consuming.  If I had a Silhouette, this step would be a cinch!

I ironed the freezer paper onto the hearts, plastic/waxy side down.  All over blogland, I have seen people using freezer paper as stencils.  This was my first venture.  It is awesome!  I have to admit, I was a little worried that the paper wouldn't peel off  or that it would leave a sticky residue.  My fears were groundless.  The paper worked like a dream.  Having it ironed onto the fabric hearts kept the stencil from slipping all over the place and paint only went were it was supposed to.  I will definitely be using freezer paper stencils again!  I let Anakin and Buzz stencil away, using the tulip fabric paint and sponge brushes.  They love to be included in craft time. 

 After they were done painting, I peeled off the paper and let the paint dry.  It can take up to 4 hours.

Meanwhile, I cut out my cotton fabrics.  Based on the size of my hearts, I ended up making 7.5in squares.  I had 2 prints, so I cut out 3 squares from each fabric. I ran a bead of fray check along all of the edges. Then, I cut out six 9"x9 squares from the red burlap. 

Next, I sewed the hearts on the cotton prints and the prints onto the red burlap.   I didn't turn the edges under on the cotton, just a plain straight stitch.  Hence, the need for the fray check in the previous step. 

After that, I cut 2 slits near the top of each square so I could thread my ribbon through.  Now, just a hint of the ribbon peeks through between each letter. 

I ended up making a heart to sew between the B and the M squares to separate the words.  I just freehanded the hearts and sewed the layers together.  Then, I sewed the sides of the heart to the squares. 
Finished!  Now I have a great little banner for February. 

I "heart" U

One of the great little decorations my mom pushed off on me is this little white shadow box that has 3 pieces of velcro attached.  It is meant to hold 3 small holiday ornaments, something different for each month.  When she was working on it, she would tole paint the ornaments.  And as so many crafts go, it was never completed, she got tired of it, and gave it to me.  I have about 4 months worth of cute painted wooden ornaments.  But, I didn't have anything for February.  This year, I am going to finish all of the months.  Its a cute, small decoration.  Now, I do know how to tole paint, but I doubt I will finish my wood that way.  I think I would rather use paper and mod podge.  This is what I came up with for Valentine's day.  So cute and so easy.  I finished this in about 30 minutes last night. It would have taken at least 2 hours if I had used paint.  And, I even used left over scrapbooking paper from Love and Kisses. So, I didn't spend any money!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Fashions #3, Pink Shirt

I sewed this simple tee today.  I've had this fabric for ages, and decided to sew something simple today.  Its a basic tee except for a little gathering at the neckline.  This is a very good feature for women that have a figure. It gives me a little bit more fabric in an area that I need it.  

Knits are fun to work with, especially if you have a serger.  Zip zip and the seam is sewn and the edge finished all at once!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I think I need to take some photography lessons!  These letters are so much cuter in real life than this picture even begins to show!  I cut these letters out the same afternoon I cut out SNOW.  But, I finished them today, at the beginning of the month, so I will get to enjoy them for a while!  I really think the red feathers add a really fun whimsical touch to the L and E.  The flowers are made out of felt. There is pink glitter on the V and a strand of mini imitation pearls. The O is decked out with lace, just like a traditional valentine.


So even though it is now February, I still wanted to complete this half finished project from January!  I cut out these wooen letters a couple weeks ago, but I have ADHD when it comes to crafting projects (I worked on HOME first!) So, I have been finishing these up this week.  However, since we have had severe winter cold temps, my stain and varnish took FOREVER to dry!  So, here we are today, Febuary 3, just barely finishing up a Winter craft when it is past time to be working on the Valentine's crafts.  I took this picture and I've already put these cuties in a box.  I will get to enjoy them next year! 
The S is the tallest letter at 11 inches.  I had a lot of fun cutting out the snowflake with my scroll saw.  It was a good project to practice a little bit more intricate cutting.  I stained the backs and sides of the letters with a walnut stain. Then, I decoupaged scrapbooking papers.  I added ribbons and embellishments next.  It doesn't show up on the photo, but there is white glitter on the snowflake.  A little bit of varnish later, and Ta Da!