
Friday, February 18, 2011

Sock Monkeys

Sock Monkey Classic Toy

Remember the old sock monkeys?

 My husband had one that he loved when he was just a toddler.   A year ago, Mr. Right's aunt was making sock monkeys only with a twist. She was making them with colorful knee-high socks.  Well, I jumped right on that bandwagon.  I purchased enough socks to make 6 monkeys, one for each of the boys, my 2 sisters and myself. Well, 6 months later, I finished the 2 for my sisters and gave them away without taking a picture first.  Its now a year after I first started, and I just finished them.  The bodies have been sewn since last February. But, they have been sans eyes, hats, buttons and mouths since then. I finally decided that enough was enough.  I was going to finish sewing my monkeys.  I gave them to the boys for their Valentine's Day gift from us.  They loved them!

Would you like to make one too? Here is an awesome tutorial.  Super easy and fun project.  Just take the time to finish them! 

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