
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Elephant Parade Nursing Cover

My sister recently gave birth to a darling little boy.  As part of her shower gift, I sewed her a nursing cover.
Sorry, this is a pic from my phone. 
I just couldn't resist appliqueing a mama-baby elephant set onto it.  It just makes it a little bit more original.
For the covers that I sew, I actually add about 8 inches to the width.  From experience, I've realized that extra width can be nice when its a bit breezy outside.  Nothing like giving a show!
I'm modeling the cover here. Tried to get Mr. Right to model it, but he refused. Lol. 
If you want to make one, there are numerous tutorials already out there.  So,  there is no need for me to add my two cents. Here are a few I like:

I love giving these away at babyshowers!  They weren't around when Anakin was born, but I received one  when I had Buzz, and it was a lifesaver.

I participate in these Parties.  Head over and check them out.

1 comment:

  1. Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I am seriously spoiled by you, big sis. I nearly died when I saw the elephant combo--too cute for words!!! Absolutely darling and fits the animal theme perfectly. Also, thank heavens you added the extra width. It makes breastfeeding in public so much easier, and I LOVE how stiff your boning is which keeps the fabric from flip-flopping all over Harry's face. Thanks a ton! BEST BREASTFEEDING COVER EVER!
