
Thursday, September 8, 2011


Another SIL had a birthday, and she wanted the word HOPE.  I made these letters in a boxier, simpler font than my usual letters.  She also wanted a neutral color palette so that the she would be able to display this with any color scheme.  If you've read this blog for a while, you know that neutral is hard for me.  I tend to make selections with lots of color for myself.   To keep this word interesting and still honor my SIL's request for neutral letters, I had to find papers that were full of texture and/or pattern.   My starting point was the brick paper I used for H.  I love the urban vibe and the mix of browns and grays contained in one paper.  After finding that paper, I selected the other three to go with it.

 I added raffia and buttons to dress up the O.  The P is a textured brown paper with added brown glitter.
 Out of some fabric scraps I created rosettes with fraying edges to add to the E. 
Due to the very straight nature of the letters, the P kept falling over (a little top heavy).  So, I stained a board and Mr. Right helped me mount the letters to the board.
I wasn't sure if I was going to like this project when I was in the planning stages, but I have to say that I am pleased with the results and hopefully my SIL is too!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously love these letters, especially the textured paper and the flower yoyo's. VERY nicely done.
