
Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Fashions #20, Lime Sherbet Shirt

My Lime Sherbet Shirt!

I found this shirt on clearance for today's project. I liked it just the way it was, but I thought that it could look even cuter with a little embellishing.  I really love all shades of green, even lime.  But this shirt was a little bright, even for me.  I felt like the lime totally overpowered the gray stripes.
To play up the gray stripes, I decided to add coordinating gray ruffles to my shirt.  I found these fabrics in my bin of scraps from previous projects.  I cut a few strips out, and started to play.
None of my scraps were knits, so I had to decide how I wanted to finish the edges. I decided to make some ruffles with fraying edges. I zigzagged the edges of the strips to keep the fabrics from completely unraveling, but still allow for some fraying.
Then, I made a long gathering stitch down the strips and ruffled the fabric. I placed the ruffles near the neckline.
I decided I needed another longer strip of the black/gray/lime cotton to go all the way around the neckline.
After sewing the ruffles in place, the shirt was cute, but it needed a finishing touch. I decided to add gray rosettes to the neckline at the point were the larger ruffles stop.
I made the gray rosettes out of leftover gray suiting fabric from some trousers I had sewn for Anakin.   I will be posting a separate tutorial on the flowers soon.
I sewed pins to the backs of the flowers so that they can be removed when I need to launder the shirt. I zigzagged the edges to protect from too much fraying, but I still didn't want to risk completely ruining the flowers in the wash.
I love the messiness and imperfection of the flowers.

And, my shirt is complete!

I feel just a little silly trying to have a photoshoot of myself in the mirror!


These are the Linky Parties I participate in.


  1. I like the second to last picture best. Not only super cute of you but the natural light makes it easier to see the colors. Very cute shirt.

  2. That is super cute! I love the colors and the flower pins! I have a party going on over at my blog if you want to join! I'd love to have you! Check it out under the "Stache Party" page on my blog:

  3. Those mirror self-portraits are fantastic! You are looking so cute and slim, too. And I love this Friday fashion-- the added ruffles and flowers really make the shirt pop and look so cute and unique. Very boutique-esque.

    Totally in love with all of your embellished tees.

  4. This is really cute...and right up my alley. I love a great T redo. I'm gonna go through my stash and make one for myself. Thanks.

    Would love it if you would link this up to our Rockin' link party every Friday at RoCa and Company. Come and show off what you got this coming Friday. Hope to see you there...

    Remember...YOU ROCK!!

    Carmen @
    RoCa and Company

  5. I really like this shirt! It's cute and feminine without being overwhelmingly ruffled.

    I'll be featuring this on my blog tomorrow for Three Things Thursday, so I'll hope you'll stop by and check it out!


  6. I LOVE this shirt! Way cute!:)
