
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monogram Wreath

So, almost 18 months ago, I purchased this enormous wreath on clearance. 

I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do with it, but it was such a great price and I have an abundance of large wall spaces, so I knew I could find a great place to put it...eventually.  I finally got around to working on it.   While it was sitting in my workshed,  I would occasionally brainstorm about it.  My general idea was adding a mongram.  I thought it would be neat to add a "Y" but I didn't want a plain jane "Y" that can be purchased.  I wanted my own design.  So, once I got my saw this past Christmas, this project jumped up on my never ending, always expanding project to-do list.  
Yeah, it jumped up on the list, but I still didn't work on it.  I just didn't really want to mod podge paper like I usually do to wooden letters.  I wanted something that would mesh a little better with plants.

Well, one day while blog surfing, I stumbled across this fantastic letter covered in moss.  This was my solution.  I would get my monogram and it would look great next to greenery!  So I quickly cut out a "Y" I could be happy with.  Its 20 inches tall.

 Then I purchased this moss that comes in a sheet.  All you do is trace your shape, cut it out and glue it down with your hot glue gun.  Simple and gorgeous.
Then, I spent a couple hours arrranging and rearranging various stems, leaves, green flowers, etc, until I was happy with their placement on the wreath. 

With help from Mr. Right, we got the wreath hung that night.   I love having it on this wall going up the stairs.  I get to enjoy looking at this everytime I go up or down.  And it really draws the eyes upward when looking at it from the mainfloor.

Ohhhh.  So pretty. (I KNOW this pic doesn't do it justice.  I've lost my camera somehow and I'm stuck with taking pics on my phone!)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

He is Risen

I made these small wooden "He is Risen" decorations as a couple of Easter gifts.  I used 1x4 pine boards.  Each phrase is made from one piece of wood with cut outs for the different areas of the letters, making sure that each letter is still connected to the next.   I painted the wood a light green and then decoupaged purple, green, and yellow papers to the faces of each letter.  A purple pansy with a yellow button center makes the "I".

Easter Words

I have very few Easter decorations. I have boxes and boxes of items for the Autumn and Christmas seasons, but I have very little for Easter.   To add a couple things to my very small Easter box this year, I cut out wooden letters to spell Faith and He is Risen.
Like my previous MOs, I stained the backs and sides of each with a walnut stain.  Then, I decoupaged scrapbooking papers to the letter faces.  Finally, I added glitter, ribbons, flowers, etc. 

Burlap Flower Pots

At the same Relief Society Activity that I made the lemon curd tarts, Helen, one of the other women in the planning committee, made these gorgeous table centerpieces.  She planted these cute spring flowers in basic terra cotta pots. Then she simply wrapped them in burlap.   I think the burlap adds such a charming cottage garden feel.  Love it!

Mini Lemon Curd Tarts

I took a blogging vacation. But, now I am back and ready to post some of the various things I've worked on this past month.
Why did I take a vacation you might ask?  Well, I was starting to feel like blogging was taking over my life and that my family was suffering for it.  It was time to take a step back.  Was I planning on taking such a large break?  Nope.  It was only going to be for a few days, but once I got a few days behind, the thought of trying to catch up on posts was extremely overwhelming.  So, I just kept putting it off, figuratively watching those posts pile up on my to-do list.  As the pile got larger,  I would find more things to do as an avoidance mechanism instead of just tackling the posting project.   So, tonight I am beginning the lengthy task of catching up.

I tackled these delicious treats for a Relief Society Activity (the women's organization of my church).

Mini Lemon Curd Tarts
Tart Shell Ingredients:
6 c flour
2 c butter, softened
8 tbsp brown sugar
4 eggs

1. Heat the oven to 400*.  
2. Mix ingredients together to form dough. 
3. Chill for 15 minutes. 
4. Take 1 inch balls and press 1 into each cup of a mini muffin tin with a mini tart shaper. 
5. Bake 8 minutes.  Cool for 1-2 minutes, then take each tart out of the pan to cool.
Makes about 96 tart shells

Next, I filled each of these shells with a delicious Lemon Curd.

Lemon Curd Ingredients
1 tsp lemon zest
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 2/3 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 c butter

  • 1. Grate 1/2 teaspoon lemon peel; set aside. 
  • 2. In saucepan combine well-beaten eggs, sugar, lemon juice, and butter. 
  • 3. Cook and stir over medium heat until it starts to bubble, will thicken, about 15 minutes
  • 4. Remove from heat; stir in lemon peel. Chill.  
  • 5. Spoon a rounded teaspoonful of filling into each shell.
Top with fresh whipped cream, blueberries and powdered sugar or any other garnish as desired. 

My kids loved these; they couldn't get enough. And they were a hit at the activity.