
Monday, April 4, 2011

Project Restyle #1: Baby Romper

Last week while craft blog surfing, I stumbled across this super fun embellished tank made by a woman named Anne over at Wobisobi.  She completed it as part of her weekly "Restyle" challenge.  She is recreating something from her closet every Monday this entire year, for a total of 52 projects.   The Project Restyle Challenge has been issued by bloggers Elise and Rachel over at A Beautiful Mess.  You have to take some you have, or something you've thrifted that you aren't currently using and re-purpose it so that you can again enjoy this item.  It can be anything from clothes to household items to furniture.  This is right up my alley, so I think I'm going to join the challenge.  Its a little late, so for I while I am just going to post as I complete a project.  Hopefully I will catch up soon, and then I will post weekly for the rest of this year.  
Today as I was sorting through newborn baby clothes to loan to my SIL, I came across this corduroy romper.   I made this romper 4 years ago for Buzz Lightyear when he was just a little guy from a dress of mine that no longer fit. I loved it, but after having children, I am just not willowy thin anymore, (more like pleasantly plump!)  
Since I was never going to be able to get into that dress again, I cut it up to make this cute spring romper.This was long before I was blogging or documenting my craftiness, so I don't have a before picture of the dress, or any pics for a tutorial.    

Its all one piece, just gives the illusion of overalls, which is so much easier for a baby.   I didn't have to worry about anything coming untucked.  I just love the little collar.  The white "shirt" was made from white muslin fabric scraps.

It has a zipper in the back.  This is one of the first zippers I inserted as grown-up, away from home and with out my mom nearby to help me step-by-step.   I managed, barely :)

 It was really fun and nostalgic for me to come across this little romper.  I can hardly believe how quickly the time has flown by.  In many ways it seems like yesterday that Buzz looked like this:

 Now he looks like this.  He is so grown up!
I also realized that I really haven't sewn that much for my boys.  My excuse has been that since they are boys, I can't sew for them since I won't be making little dresses.  While its true that I shouldn't be sewing dresses for my boys, I could still be sewing for them.  That romper was adorable.  Why didn't I make more little clothing articles for them while they were toddlers?  I just need to be a little more creative and find things to sew for them.  So, expect to see a few more kid posts in the future, kay?

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