
Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Fashions #8, Pink Pencil Skirt

So, when I realized my sewing machine was broken this afternoon just an hour an a half before my date with Mr. Right, my initial panicked thought was that I wouldn't have anything to post for FF (Friday Fashions) today.  I don't have any loose beads or jewelry items on hand that I could whip up into an accessory.  I briefly thought about making a hairbow, but I just wasn't in the mood.  I was too darn mad that I couldn't sew my shirt. Right when I was getting ready to just give up on the idea of a post, I remembered this skirt.
My mom and I started this pale pink pencil skirt more than a year ago while I was home visiting. We finished everything but the hem.  Well, life got busy and I never did finish the hem.  Spring came and went, and the idea of finishing a spring pink skirt during autumn just seemed too out of season for me.  Well, a few weeks ago I finally hemmed this skirt.  It is now in my closet begging for me to go shopping for a cute blouse and cardigan with which to pair with it.  I haven't even worn it yet, but I can't wait. 
The front is so demure and no nonsense.   
But then the back has the cutest little kick of pleats. 
Love it!

 Most likely I will wait to wear this until Easter Sunday since I really want to pair it with white heels and I just don't think that I could wear white shoes before then. Can't you picture a skirt like this with a very soft, feminine blouse, pearls, and white heels?  Very Audrey Hepburn. 

1 comment:

  1. Really pretty; make sure to take a picture in it on Easter Sunday!
    Sorry about your sewing machine; hope it can be fixed soon.
