
Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Fashions # 2, Nubby Scarf

My inspiration this Friday's creation came from a mixture of need and desperation.  Most of the time, I would agree with everyone that a craft space doesn't need to be tidy.  In fact, if your crafting area is clean, it means you probably haven't been crafting.   But there also comes a point where the mess is so extreme that crafting is completely inhibited! That is the point I reached with my craft room this week.
It totally looks like a tornado blew through here.  There is debris everywhere, and I can't find the items I need!  I have to admit, it is time for me to clean my room.  Problem is, I'm so busy with keeping up the kids and the rest of the house, that cleaning up my craft space is at the very bottom of my to do list.  The only time I could have cleaned it up this week would have cut into my precious naptimes when I am supposed to be CRAFTING, not cleaning.  I was not about to clean when I could create!  So, the mess is still there and I didn't have room to sew.
Now, my neck has been feeling a little naked while I've walked Anakin to and from kindergarten, so I knew I wanted to make a scarf.   And, to knit I don't have to have a clean room.  I can knit to my heart's content in the family room in front of the TV with Mr. Right; I can take my knitting with me to work on at work breaks, etc.  In short, knitting a scarf seemed like a great idea for today's fashion creation.
When I dug through my yarns, I found this awesome nubby yarn that I purchased a couple years ago on clearance.
Its a nice, chunky wool.  (I love knitting chunky yarns because it makes the projects go faster!)  I've never really known what to do with it, but at $1/skein I couldn't resist it.  When I came across it yesterday, I fell in love.  I knew that it would make a really fun, flirty scarf.
For my scarf, I used my favorite pattern, just knit across, anywhere from 5-15 stitches depending on the width desired.  I grabbed my largest needles and set to work.  I knit 5 across, and I used 2 skeins of the yarn.  I love the result!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I might make one, but it's almost summer here in AZ...
