
Monday, December 20, 2010

Snowman Tree Part 4

For these rustic snow creatures, I used a mix of mod podge and paint. I painted the snow white, the noses orange, and I used paper for the signs. And I antiqued the edges-always!I thought these turned out darling. They are my favorite ornament so far and they were one of my least favorites unfinished! These ceramic ornaments ended up being very easy and quick to finish. The surface wasn't really right for mod podge, so I thought I was stuck with painting. However, inspiration hit when I glanced over at my scrapbooking supplies and noticed my markers! Instead of painting, I colored!
I quickly colored the hats and faces. Then I glued on scarves and buttons. Simple and sweet.
Yesterday morning, I was able to hang the last of the snowmen onto the tree. I am very pleased with the result. The tree is fun, colorful and full of personality. Its themed and decorated, which I want, but because its full of wacky snowmen, it has become casual and quirky instead of stuffy and formal. I don't really have a formal house (kinda hard with 3 little boys ages 5 and under) so a formal tree just didn't look right. This fits my family's personality and style.

Now, its on to other projects. I have a list a mile long of Christmas crafts I thought would be fun this year. I wonder how many I can squeeze into the remaining naptimes I have left...

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